Welcome new fans, friends and family!
Many of you are likely here as a result of a video we posted about our upcoming Space DefendAR, our AR Space Battle game. Welcome! For legal purposes, while all footage is actual working gameplay, there’s no guarantee we will be able to negotiate the rights to your favorite characters. These videos are just to show you what various themes would look like in our game and are not a promise or evidence that we will have those characters in our game.
Don’t forget to check out all the features that are included in the game. We put them up as we develop and release a video about them, so check back often to see the latest features!
If you’re a fan and want to play this game sometime soon, there’s something you can do to help make that happen sooner than later. Take one of the videos, share it, repost it, talk about it on all your social medias with the hashtag #RealWorldSpaceBattles The more noise you make, the more likely the game will become a reality. Also, follow our game development blog here and add us on the socials to get the latest news, including when we open up Beta for testing.